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IDE 2010-2013
13 juin 2011


-Allez sur le site "" : tapez "" dans google, cliquez sur le 1er lien du site qui vous est proposé POUR POSTER DES ARTICLES : -Arrivés sur le site "", à droite, rentrez votre identifiant "infirmiers" et votre mot...
18 juin 2011

voc suite

midwife : sage femme samples : échantillon, prélèvement porter : barncardier paramedic : entre SAMU et docteur consultant : médecin traitant, généraliste lid : bouchon (s'utilise pour tout ce qui se ferme) lips : lèvres tooth/teeth (pluriel) : dent(s)...
14 mai 2010


IDE PROMO 2010-2013 Émile Roux, un blog qui vous est consacré! Bonjour à tous, Voici un blog pour toute la promo! Nous comptons sur vous tous pour poster des cours, exposés, emplois du temps, organisations en rapport avec les cours...tout ce qui pourrait...
15 mai 2010

Mots et définitions en anglais (Burcu ALHAN grp A1)

Fever : (Fièvre) To have a (high) temperature. Disabled : (handicapé) To be at a disadvantage. illness : (Maladie) A state of ill health. Side effect : (Effet secondaire) It's a secondary and usually adverse effect of a drug or therapy. Pain : (Douleur)...
26 mai 2010

vocabulaire médical ( A2 damien)

Drug = médicaments Pain = douleure midwif = sage femme pulmonary stenosis = obstruction de la valve pulmonaire bed store = escarre Antibiotic = drug chemist = pharmacien drip = perfusion delivery = acouchement nurse = infirmier bearth = naissance X-ray...
3 juin 2010

sketch : Virginie, Gazak ( désolé pour l'orthographe), Farah, Justine et Laurie ( Groupe A2)

The characters are: a doctor( Gazak), a nurse( laurie),a patiente ( Justine), her sister (Virginie) and her mother (Farah)... - please! please! we need some help!!!!- have a big probleme, my sister is sick!- what? ok one minute... nurse!!!!- yes?? - hello!-...
10 juin 2010

Story "The car crash" (A3)

Everything began in Miami Beach on the 1st Avenue. A mother with her daughter were crossing the street while Laurine was driving her car. She wasn't concentrating on the road. A boys team caught her attention. Suddently, we heard a loud noise. It was...
3 juillet 2010


needle camera scalpel scissors stethoscope drip bandage infusion clamp drugs hammer If I were a ..., I would be a ... If I were ......, I would like to be ... If I lived in an other country, I would lived in .... Ankle = cheville Arm = bras Back = dos...
2 novembre 2010


Hygiene contamination bacteria virus microbes germs prions nosocomial infection scrub=nettoyer keyboard=clavier, faire la saisie HAS=SHA clip our nails : couper nos ongles hair-tired-back : cheveux attachés wedding ring disease = maladie you are nauseus...
6 juin 2010

Régine A3 : English for nursing 2 unit 1 à corriger si erreur

Exercise 1 : Fill in the blanks This is Paul. He works in a hospital in dallas. Paul doesn't live near his work. He has 10 miles fromm the Hospital in a small apartment. He usually gets up at half past seven, starts beakfast around quarter past eight...
1 juin 2010

sketch (grpe a3) delphine, charline, morgane, laurine

-Look at this little cute bird.-Oh my god! What have you done?-You should better watch the road instead looking at these boys!-I'm very sorry, I did'nt see you but don't worry because I'm a nurse, I'm going to take care of your child.-Hurry up!!-Do you...
17 mai 2010

english vocabulary - sophie groupe A1 - hello everybody !!!

santé : health : comfort moral and physical = bien-être physique et moral blessure : wound / injury : affliction with cutting open flesch = lésion avec ouverture des chairs salle d'attente : waiting-romm = room who the patient wait medicament : drug or...
31 octobre 2010

Reprise des cours en Novembre

bed scores : escarres to defecate to urinate to go to pee : aller faire pipi urine sample : échantillon d'urines mucus faeces excrement serumen wound : plaie bowel : intestin bowel movement : selle spinal fluid (marrow) : liquide cephalo-rachidien (moelle)...
13 juin 2011

cours de Juin

paediatrics : pédiatrie orthopaedics : orthopédie haematology : hématologie anaesthesist : anésthésiste obstetrics : obstétrique pathology : laboratoire renal unit : néphrologie chemist : pharmacie de ville pharmacy surgery : chirurgie operation theater...
14 juin 2010

Groupe A3

At the hospital, in the room of a patient called Miss Barney: Nurse Fabienne gently opened the door to Miss Barney's room, and asked her how she felt. She answered that she was fine, but her left leg hurt. Miss Barney's sister who was in the room, got...
16 mai 2010

Vocabulaire médical (+ traduction) Définition à venir. (Baptiste, grp A3)

Ambulance driver : Ambulancier Bandage : Pansement Bleed : Saignement Blood pressure : Tension (Littéralement : Pression sanguine) Blood Sample : Prise de sang Breathe (to) : Respirer Cry : Pleurs Cure : Remède Death : Mort Diagnose (to) : Diagnostiquer...
19 mai 2010

lien inursing Very easy, once you're in, keep the address, login and password in your comp. Good posts, dont hesitate to correct mistakes when you see them, there are some already. Do either nursing 1 unit 1 or nursing 2 unit 1, have...
19 mai 2010

a doctor : a personn who diagnoses and treats

a doctor : a personn who diagnoses and treats patients. the blood pressure : it's a diagnostic indicator. The pressure in the blood circulation. in the dictionnary : on an empty stomach : à jeun intervention operation insulin : insuline to infect, to...
17 mai 2010

vocabulaire médical(Céline,grp A1)

Malade: ill quelqu'un qui ne se sent pas bien : someone who does not feel well migraine, mal de tête : headache mal aux dents : toothache otite : otitis oreillons : mumps entorse : sprain se tordre la cheville : to wrick one's ankle infirmière : nurse...
21 mai 2010

human skeleton

Hello Mark, hello every body, Tuesday morning, we had a lesson about human skeleton with Mme LANGE. We must learn it by heart. So, i think that is funny to ninclude a synonym in english on your diagram from time to time. It is time to set at work and...
17 mai 2010

Vocabulaire médical (Marion, grp A3)

Pain killer = antidouleur, Doctor = He diagnoses and treats patients. Surgeon = chirurgien, Blood pressure = pression sanguine. Blood sample = prise de sang. To bleed = saigner Sick (US) = ill (UK), (sick = vomir en UK) Health = physical and mental state....
24 mai 2010

EMPLOI DU TEMPS GROUPE A3 ( 25-05 / 28-05 )

Mardi 25 mai 9h-11h : Capiluve-Pédiluve HIVER 211h-13h: Circuit sale propre 14h-16h: Anglais HIVER 2 ( Penser au devoir sur le site )16h-17h30: Cardiologie HIVER 2 ( Réviser le cours ) Mercredi 26 mai 9h-12h: Droits de...
29 mai 2010

morgane B ( gp A3) questions

salut tout le monde !!! voilà les questions de mon groupe :What did you study before starting in IFSI ?What did you last week ?What kind of race did you do ?What did you buy last week ?Where does your grand mother come from ?Who went to the swimming pool...
17 juin 2010

STORY groupe A2 (Magali , Helene , Fatima , Jean denis , Damien

-Damien was ill because he had drunk a lot of alcohol. -his parents came to the hospital to see him. -They asked him , what did he do this evening. -He told them , that he had drank a lot . -his parents were very angry. -the nurse came,give him an alcohol...
18 juin 2010

groupe A2: Gasac, Justine, Orlane,Farah, Virginie et Laurie

One day, in Emergency, a mother and her two daughters arrived, screaming: “Help! Please we need some help!!t‘s an emergency, I have a big problem, my sister is sick!! - “What? One minute please… NURSE!!!!come on”, said the doctor - “Yes! I‘m coming!”...
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IDE 2010-2013